Max Austin


BSc. Computer Science, Utah Valley University



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Neural Network 5-Input Parity

Project Description

Created using Python with Pycharm as an IDE

This program utilizes a neural network to tell a user whether a 5 bit string contains an even or odd number of 1s. It takes as input a file containing a training set of 5 bit strings along with whether those strings have an even or odd number of 1s. Once trained, it will output what it thinks the answer is for every possible 5 bit binary number.

The program was a small team project primarily completed in a pair programming fashion.

The Network

The neural network uses an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer along with forward and back propagation to train it. When a training item is received, it uses the weights it currently has(and these are random to start) and will make a guess. Then, if the training set says that the network was incorrect, it will adjust the weights connecting the various layers. This procedure continues until the network reaches a high enough accuracy level, at which point it will take every possibly combination of 1s and 0s in a 5 bit string and output to the user what it thinks the answers are, along with the confidence.

Important Note about Code

If you are interested in the code for this particular project, please contact me at any of the available contacts I have posted here. The code itself is private to help maintain the integrity of the course at UVU. Thank you for your understanding.